

100% natural raw materials

Quality is guaranteed

GMO free


Produced in

By truck





Corn is the world’s second largest grain crop in terms of market volume, and inferiors only to wheat. The share of corn in the world production of starch is 75%. This culture remains one of the best sources of vitamin K. In addition, corn seeds are rich in vitamins of group B and PP, contain calcium, magnesium and other microelements. When used in the form of food products, it provides an antioxidant effect.

The use of corn is widespread in the food industry – production of flour, corn starch, bread, bakery products, etc. Also, corn is in great demand in the field of animal husbandry: due to its balanced composition, the crop is used for feeding young poultry and livestock.

Impulse Commodity Trading works directly with the best producers and offers its customers certified raw materials of the highest quality. To find out the details, contact us on the phone indicated on the website.

Fields of application

  • Food industry

  • In animal husbandry for the production of solid fodder



High quality grain, not overheated during drying

Grain and waste impurities: no more than 2%

Broken grain content: no more than 5% 

Energy value per 100 g of product:

359 kJ (86 kcal)

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

fats – 1.18 g

proteins – 3.22 g

carbohydrates – 16.32 g 


In bulk and Big Bag

Country of Origin:



  • The maximum grain moisture content is no more than 12%
  • Production of the best domestic and European selections
  • The content of impurities and broken grain meets modern international standards 

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