

100% natural raw materials

Quality is guaranteed

GMO free


Produced in

Freight wagons


Grain truck

Transportation by


Sunflower is one of the most important oil crops. Sunflower seeds have a high content of vitamin E and are considered a strong antioxidant. In addition, raw materials are rich in vitamins A and PP, linoleic and monosaturated fats, which help regulate cholesterol levels. Most of them are also stored in the products obtained during seed processing.

Grist, which is made from sunflower, has a high protein content and a rich set of amino acids. This guarantees a positive impact on the growth and development of young livestock and poultry. Sunflower is widely used in the food and processing industry.

Raw materials sold by Impulse Commodity Trading meet all quality standards. We work directly with the best manufacturers and offer our customers exclusively certified products. To find out the details, contact us on the phone indicated on the website.

Fields of application 

  • Production of sunflower oil
  • In the form of fodder for livestock in animal husbandry
  • In the industry, for the production of soap, paints, linoleum



— 100% natural agricultural products of plant origin

— The content of waste impurities: no more than 2%

— Mass fraction of oil: at least 38%

Energy value per 100 g of the product:

379 kcal

Nutritional value per 100 g of the product:

fats – 35 g

proteins – 13.8 g

carbohydrates – 2.3 g


In bulk and big bag

Country of Origin:



  • High-quality raw materials from the best manufacturers
  • Compliance with norms and standards of cultivation, processing and storage
  • Minimum amount of extraneous plant impurities

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